Futurefarmers is a group of artists and designers working together since 1995. Our design studio serves as a platform to support art projects, aritist in residency program and research interests. We are teachers, researchers, designers, gardeners, scientists, engineers, illustrators, people who know how to sew, cooks and bus drivers with a common interest in creating work that challenges current social, political and economic systems. Design Studio: Futurefarmers works across many media. We enjoy creating platforms for sociability within new media spaces; internet, wireless devices and public space. Comfortable in both traditional and new media, Futurefarmers employ a fertile approach to every project; Web design, Interactive Installations, Print, Illustration, Exhibition Design, Animation, 3d Character Development, Packaging, Book Design, Database Development, Flash, PHP, C++, MSQL. Artist in Residency Program: Since 1995, Futurefarmers has hosted over 19 artists from 8 countries. These artists have developed experimental and client projects together with Futurefarmers during their residency and many have continued to collaborate with us beyond their residency. We work together with residents to develop personal projects and provide a supportive environment for research and exploration.