book / article
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Arts details the current landscape of corporate support for arts and culture—one in which more corporations are focusing strategically on issues that align with their business interests and have a...
Last Updated: March 3, 2015
In response to the NEA’s call to identify and create data sources in the arts, the Prison Arts Resource Project (PARP) compiles resources on how the arts work in correctional settings and how they impact the lives of inmates, their families, and...
Last Updated: December 15, 2015
Animating Democracy held its second Evaluators Circle (E-Circle) at the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center, inviting Los Angeles-based cultural leaders, researchers, and evaluators to share evaluation projects, findings and learning...
Last Updated: January 22, 2016
Abstract: This paper tells two stories of how evaluation helped artists know what difference they made; their narratives help make evaluation concepts accessible and show how evaluation can be doable and even enjoyable! Most community-based arts...
Last Updated: November 12, 2022