Services to the Field

Find information on a vast array of organizations that are supporting the work of arts for community, social, and civic change through services to the field—information, tools and resources, networking, advisory support, membership opportunities and more!

New York, NY
Pioneers of Change is a global network for young people in their mid-20s to mid-30s to build capacity and develop relationships needed to affect change in the world. Members of the network connect to communities of practices based on areas of interest. One of these communities is Arts for Social Change, which focuses on applying artistic processes toward social change. Arts for Social Change produces interactive learning tools and learning journey conferences that bring artists and community developers together.
Los Angeles, CA
The Playing for Change Foundation is dedicated to creating positive social change through music education in communities around the world. We are driven by the belief that peace and change are possible through the universal language of music. Many of the regions the Playing For Change Foundation works within suffer from extreme poverty, lack of basic resources, limited medical care and educational resources, past conflicts and genocide, unstable governments, and a host of infectious diseases.
Alexandria, VA
Promethean Community uses a variety of theater techniques to co-create an environment that allows the community stakeholders to create new ways of relating to each other. This consciousness raising allows the community to create an on-going supportive and developmental environment that directly challenges many of the negative consequences of our society: Isolation, alienation, intolerance, prejudice, etc.
Philadelphia, PA
Prometheus Radio builds, supports , and advocates for community radio stations which empower participatory community voices and movements for social change. A primary focus is on building a large community of LPFM stations and listeners and to grow this community into a powerful force working toward a democratic media future .
Washington, DC
Provisions Learning Project is a social change learning resource that amplifies compelling voices that challenge and redefine the mainstream. Meridians is an online resource that links to other resources including: books, art projects, organizations, websites, films, and academic programs covering 30 arts and social change topic areas. Provisions Library is a physical space featuring books, periodicals, and DVDs. The resources provide alternative perspectives on social change topics, exhibitions, and public projects that engage the arts as a means of exploring social issues.
Chicago, IL
Reel Actions serves to provide a platform for education, advocacy, discussion and social action through provocative story-telling by way of film screenings, art events and a variety of other artistic collaborations. Film, art and other forms of shared human experiences serve as catalysts for conversation and public participation. By aligning themed events with relevant philanthropic organizations, we create unique opportunities for dialogue and collaboration.
Portland, ME
Founded by environmentalist Lauren Sullivan and her musician husband, Adam Gardner of the band Guster, Reverb provides greening programs for artists' tours along with grassroots outreach and education for music fans. The education and outreach initiatives include Eco-Village, a festival-like display of environmental information and activities. National and local environmental organizations are hosted at each Eco-Village. Reverb also provides consulting services to businesses in the music industry about greening their activities and operations..
San Francisco, CA
Revolutions Per Minute (RPM), formerly known as Air Traffic Control, supports musicians and managers who want to be engaged in social change by providing resources needed to develop capacity and coordinate partnerships. RPM provides Tools & Research on its web site and produces a monthly newsletter for subscribing musicians, publicists, and managers. RPM also manages an education fund that helps musicians use their talents to effect social change by connecting them to activists, organizations, and issue campaigns.
Portland, OR
The Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls builds girls self-esteem through music creation and performance. Year round workshops and technical trainings create leadership opportunities, cultivate a community of peers and mentors and encourage social change and the development of life skills. This profile courtesy of Air Traffic Control.
Cedarhurst, NY
Rock and Wrap It Up! is a non-profit and non-partisan organization devoted to developing innovative greening solutions to the pressing issues of hunger and poverty in America. Rock and Wrap It Up! combats hunger by packaging prepared but untouched meals following concerts, sporting, and school events and then delivering to local food banks and charitable agencies. Toiletries and cleaning products from hotels, schools and donors are also collected and distributed. The items collected reduce both the amount of waste added to landfills and society's carbon footprint.
New York, NY
Rock for Health seeks to educate artists on health issues, provide medical information, and be an advocate for musicians in regards to health insurance coverage and long-term care. Rock for Health provides information on affordable health plans for artist groups and individuals and information about medical conditions that effect musicians. The goal is to address health issues before they escalate into expensive hospital bills. This profile courtesy of Air Traffic Control.
Washington, DC
Rock the Vote works at the intersection of popular culture and politics to engage and build political power for young people in our country. This mission is accomplished by providing tools for organizations to hold voter registration drives including do-it-yourself guides, promotional items and downloadable registration forms while also connecting musical artists to voter registration efforts. Electionland ( is a database of elections information organized by state.
San Francisco, CA
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is a department of the City and County of San Francisco that provides retail drinking water and wastewater services to San Francisco, wholesale water to three Bay Area counties, and green hydroelectric and solar power to San Francisco's municipal departments. Our mission is to provide our customers with high quality, efficient and reliable water, power, and sewer services in a manner that is inclusive of environmental and community interests, and that sustains the resources entrusted to our care.
Louisville, KY
Shakespeare Behind Bars is a Louisville, Kentucky based project focusing on the aspects of theatre that can make a person trust, collaborate, critically think, have a desire to help others and create a positive self image. The program has been a success since 1995 and it has since sparked a documentary film about the intimate's journey through the theatrical process. The documentary was by Philomath Films, an organization that supports social change by helping to create documentaries on the people and programs helping communities.
Philadelphia, PA
The Social Impact of the Arts Project (SIAP) is a research center at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice. SIAP conducts research on the role of arts and culture in American cities focusing on strategies of arts-based revitalization. Since 1994, SIAP has focused on developing empirical methods to study the links between cultural engagement and community well-being. Research reports and publications are available from SIAP's web site.
Los Angeles, CA
Social Practices Art Network (SPAN) is a web-based resource for individuals, organizations, community groups and institutions that are interested in new genre arts forms and public and socially engaged art practices. SPAN’s website highlights projects, opportunities, news, and profiles from the field.
Oakland, CA
SpeakOut is dedicated to the advancement of education, racial and social justice, cultural literacy, leadership development, and activism. A searchable online database of provides access to a network of over 100 speakers, artists, and strategic partners provide experiential learning opportunities through lectures, workshops, film screenings, performances and curriculum development.
Washington, DC
Street Sense Media's mission is to end homelessness in the Washington, D.C. area by empowering people in need with the skills, tools, and confidence to succeed. Together we use a range of media platforms to raise awareness and spotlight solutions to homelessness in our community.
New Orleans, LA
Sweet Home New Orleans (SHNO) supports individuals and organizations that perpetuate New Orleans' unique musical and cultural traditions. It provides services to artists that foster economic development and community revitalization. SHNO has helped more than 4,000 members of New Orleans’ music community recover from Katrina by providing more than $3 million in targeted financial assistance, paying for hundreds of local gigs each year, and connecting clients to the resources they need to sustain themselves.
Minneapolis, MN
TerraLuna Collaborative views the arts as humanity’s developmental evaluation. Arts-Based Evaluation (ABE) collects, analyzes, and reports data through artistic methods. Examples of ABE methods include photovoice, the visual matrix, verbatim theatre, and gesture harvesting. Coupled with applied neuroaesthetics, Arts-Based Evaluation creates ongoing and dynamic emotional connections to data, inspiring positive change.
