Living News
Living News is a live, theatrical performance that introduces controversial constitutional issues to students, and encourages them to explore their points of view on timely matters of public concern. Three actors present current issues in a dynamic and interactive way, incorporating video, contemporary music, and current news broadcasts. Living News energizes students by including them in discussion throughout the performance, often generating passionate and enlightening dialogue. It enables students, families, and educators to explore current, controversial topics in an open and engaging forum setting. Topics are changed regularly to ensure the most up-to-date experience, and have included freedom of religion as it relates to the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance and gay rights as they relate to Proposition 8. Following performances, the audience comes together to discuss the issues in a Town Hall session, led by a National Constitution Center educator. Students reflect on the questions raised by the show and dialogues with the Center’s staff, actors, and their own classmates and teachers.