Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation
The purpose of the Blue Cross Foundation is to make a healthy difference in people's lives by improving the community conditions that have an impact on the health of children and families. As the philanthropic arm of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, we have the opportunity to address significant influences on health that are beyond the traditional reach of the health care system. Through our work, Blue Cross furthers its social investment as a nonprofit health plan with a unique charter to improve the health of all Minnesotans. Our goal is to improve the health of Minnesota communities long term and close the health gap that affects many Minnesotans. While Minnesota is one of the healthiest states in the nation, not all Minnesotans share that health — particularly people of color, new Americans and people living in poverty. Many health problems such as asthma, diabetes and some cancers are strongly associated with poverty, recent immigration to the U.S. and membership in a racial minority group. By partnering to address social determinants of health, we believe we can help close the gap and truly call Minnesota the healthiest state in the nation.