Economic and Community Development

Project Row Houses is an artist organization founded by artist Rick Lowe and six other African-American artists in 1993 in the Northern Third Ward of Houston, Texas, one of the city’s oldest African-American communities. PRH transformed an abandoned...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Play Ball on Historic Downs Field was performed May 9th-11th, 2014 to an audience of over 1,500 people. Presented through a partnership between Forklift Danceworks and Austin's African American Cultural Heritage District, Play Ball premiered as part...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
The Wisconsin Women’s Network is a coalition of organizations and individuals that advances the status of women and girls in Wisconsin through communication, education, and advocacy.  
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
The Bush Foundation wants to help shape vibrant communities in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and in the 23 sovereign tribal nations that share the same geography. They invest in courageous and effective leadership that significantly...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Sweet Home New Orleans (SHNO) supports individuals and organizations that perpetuate New Orleans' unique musical and cultural traditions. It provides services to artists that foster economic development and community revitalization. SHNO has helped...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
All Ages Movement Project (AMP) is a network of 200 community-based organizations across the U.S. that connect young people through independent music and art. AMP is committed to making sure young people can access and participate in music scenes in...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Mosque Alert tells the story of two suburban American families living in Naperville, IL -one Christian, the other Muslim- who find their lives torn apart by a proposal to build a new mosque in their community. Silk Road Rising and playwright Jamil...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Common Ground: TOC is a partnership between Littleglobe and three rural New Mexico communities: the Eastern Agency Navajo (Diné) communities of Torreon and Ojo Encino, and the village of Cuba (TOC). The project has brought contemporary and...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
With the cities of Evanston & Chicago, Illinois, Hartford, Connecticut, and Portland, Oregon as lenses, BUILT explored the changing United States city, and the challenges of housing, infrastructure, neighborhood cohesion, and equity all present...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Our Vision: The Orange County Arts Council envisions a community that supports the arts and appreciates how the arts enrich human experience and illuminate the human condition. Our Mission: To strengthen the arts in Orange County by providing...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
The Metropolitan Regional Arts Council increases access to the arts in 7-county metropolitan area communities by providing information, organizational support and grants.
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
A Place in the Country is a one-hour television documentary, narrated by Ray Suarez, that examines the impact of seven rural community development organizations located throughout the United States. In every region of the United States, rural...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
The MFA in Community Arts (MFACA) prepares artists to use their artmaking as a means of civic, youth, and community development, or to teach at the post-secondary level. The curriculum provides students with a grounding in theory and practice, while...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Women's Fund of Miami Dade is a catalyst for social change and economic justice with the goal of creating a community where all women and girls reach their full potential. Our grantmaking, along with advocacy, training and community building are the...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Molly Sturges is a composer, artistic director, and performer. She is best known for her work integrating intermedia performance, community dialogue, and social and environmental equity and healing.
Last Updated: August 14, 2014


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