Part studio and part gallery, part lounge and part caucus, Freedom of Assembly evolves from bare walls as students explore their political identity as individuals and as a community through creative collaboration. Organized by MCAD’s Student...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
To build knowledge platforms and align resources for theater artists and organizations. We want our contribution to widen the gates of opportunity for more accessible and relevant models for theater making in the 21st Century. We think...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
It is the mission of the High Point Area Arts Council, Inc. to work continually to enhance the lives of all citizens of the community by ensuring the availability of a broad range of cultural and artistic activities and encouraging full...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Over the course of three Sundays in Fall 2011, the Asian American Arts Alliance (a4) will host Call & Response, a series of three events commemorating the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and announcing a4’s Locating the Sacred festival slated for fall...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Cornerstone Theater Company is a multi-ethnic, ensemble-based theater company. The organization commissions and produces new plays–both original works and contemporary adaptations of classics–that combine the artistry of professional and community...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Theater of War is a project of Outside the Wire, a company that uses theater and other media to analyze and confront the social issues of various communities. Combat-related physical and psychological issues are not easy topics to approach with the...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Through innovative grantmaking and supported projects, Lambent Foundation explores and supports the critical role of artists, contemporary art and culture as strategies for promoting progressive social change.
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
American Jewish World Service (AJWS) is an international development organization dedicated to alleviating poverty, hunger and disease among the people of the developing world regardless of race, religion or nationality. Through grants to grassroots...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Art in the Public Interest (API) is a nonprofit organization that supports the belief that the arts are an integral part of a healthy culture, and that community-based arts provide significant value both to communities and artists.
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Working with the The Robert F. Kennedy Performance Project and continuing its powerful alliance with the LKLP Head Start Program, The Los Angeles Poverty Department works to address substance abuse in Skid Row by re-creating Robert Kennedy’s 1968 “...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
NEFA’s mission is to creatively support the movement of people, ideas, and resources in the arts within New England and beyond, make vital connections between artists and communities, and build the strength, knowledge, and leadership of the region's...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
The Bartol Foundation believes in the intrinsic value of the arts to guide in understanding, interpreting and communicating core aspects of people's lives and community. The Foundation also believes in the value of arts to educate young people and...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Performa, a non-profit multidisciplinary arts organization established by RoseLee Goldberg in 2004, is dedicated to exploring the critical role of live performance in the history of twentieth century art and to encouraging new directions in...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
The Texas Commission on the Arts’ mission is to develop a receptive climate for the arts in Texas. To accomplish its mission, TCA awards grants, promotes the arts, and raises funds to enhance support of the arts in Texas.
Last Updated: August 14, 2014